
Teach vim-rails about request specs

Slowly but surely I’m getting to know the really interesting Rails-related Vim plugins. First and foremost: vim-rails. A new feature that I started using recently is the :A alternate file command. Basically, this makes it super quick to jump from a model file to its model spec file. Or from a controller to its spec.

Since Rails 5.?, controller specs have fallen out of DHH’s favor. We now use request specs. Unfortunately, vim-rails doesn’t know about request specs. Fortunately, we can tell it about them.

vim-rails is very well documented, and :help rails-projections provides the solution to this problem. This is what I put in my .vimrc, and now :A jumps between my controller files and the related request specs.

let g:rails_projections = {
      \ "app/controllers/*_controller.rb": {
      \   "test": [
      \     "spec/controllers/{}_controller_spec.rb",
      \     "spec/requests/{}_spec.rb"
      \   ],
      \ },
      \ "spec/requests/*_spec.rb": {
      \   "alternate": [
      \     "app/controllers/{}_controller.rb",
      \   ],
      \ }}