
The Xochimilco Trilogy

A few months ago I started a new podcast project Several Ways to Live in Mexico City with my friend Nick. We talk about Mexico and food and culture. And now I think we have created our first highlight of the series, a 3 episode expedition to the town of Xochimilco, where we talked to my friends Jahshua and Edgar.

Episode 8 is a short preview, recorded on the way back from Xochimilco. Episode 9 talks about the history and culture of Xochimilco. And episode 10 starts tackling some questions about -isms that we have observed but could not explain just yet.

  1. SW008 Segundo Piso
  2. SW009 Xochimilco I
  3. SW010 Xochimilco II: Chilling on the Chinampas

If you have comments or questions, please don’t hesitate to talk to us on Twitter or Mastodon!