Using the pytest-mock plugin
After hearing about it from Brian Okken, I today tried out the pytest-mock plugin. It is surprisingly simple to use and useful, too.
The other day I wrote about mocks in Django views. The example test uses the with
statement for patching the object.
from mock import patch
def test_detail_view(client):
"""Test the detail view for a Potato object with the Django test client."""
potato =
with patch.object(PotatoDetailView, 'get_object', return_value=potato):
url = reverse('detail', kwargs={'pk': 1234}) # pk can be anything
This works fine when only one patch is applied, but probably gets tedious quickly with more than one.
Enter: the pytest-mock plugin and its mocker
fixture. Using this fixture, the test looks much cleaner.
def test_detail_view_with_mocker(client, mocker):
"""Same test as above, but using the mocker fixture from pytest-mock."""
potato =
# This is new
mocker.patch.object(PotatoDetailView, 'get_object', return_value=potato)
url = reverse('detail', kwargs={'pk': 1234})
pytest awesomeness!